Professional Services

You’re not alone: Support is available – when you know where to look.

Finding a health professional:

If you’re feeling lost and unsure how to find a health professional to reach out to, check out Healthdirect. It provides a convenient way to locate doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, and more based on their location and availability. To keep things simple, if you’re looking for mental health support, a psychologist is a great person to start with.

Looking for quality info?

Considering having a chat with a mental health professional?

Please Note:

The list of service providers above is not exhaustive. There are many other excellent service providers throughout Australia that may meet your specific needs. If you do not find what you are looking for, we encourage you to contact us directly. We are here to help guide you to the right resources.

Contact Us:

  • Email: [email protected]
  • We can help point you in another direction based on your individual needs.

Need Immediate Help?

If you are in crisis and need support right now, click here



People reached thanks to your help #ITAINTWEAKTOSPEAK

1 in 5 people will experience a mental illness each year. Many suffer in silence due to the stigma and lack of education around mental health. LIVIN is helping change this. Each flag represents where we have delivered our LIVINWell In School program. Help us fill the map and spread the word that “It ain’t weak to speak”.