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It costs us $19.92* per young Australian to deliver our 45 minute potentially life-changing conversation about mental health.

Those 45 minutes include recognising problems, seeking help, and supporting others. Those 45 minute could stay with that child for life. We need your help to have more conversations.

Based on a series of data analysis and cost assumptions.

Our Supporters Say

““As a long time sufferer of mental health and having recently lost my close relative to suicide, I feel empowered when I am wearing LIVIN merch. I have been touched on multiple occasions by conversations shared with others that were prompted by the “It Ain’t Weak to Speak” slogan.””

““Obviously it’s a trendy and fashionable brand, but more importantly it’s a worthy cause that supports others. It starts a conversation around a sensitive topic without even having to talk about it. From wearing the merch, it almost whispers to strangers, ‘ I’m here, I support you’.” ”

““As a long time sufferer of mental health and having recently lost my close relative to suicide, I feel empowered when I am wearing LIVIN merch. I have been touched on multiple occasions by conversations shared with others that were prompted by the “It Ain’t Weak to Speak” slogan.””